DMG School of Media Arts and Film and OnThe Stage is a 501c3 non-profit organization.
Your donations and contributions to community media projects, podcasts and films go toward providing educational programs to youths during the summer and the improvement of our community. All donations are tax-deductible.
Types of Donations:
Scholarship Donations:
Join us to create pathways to equity and opportunity through the arts for youth and young adults.
Thank you for being a champion of dreams. Together, we can make this school year a magical year of inspiration, transformation, and endless possibilities.
Individual Donations:
Support an individual to accomplish their dreams.
Company Donations:
Your contributions assist with the resources needed to achieve upgrades to technological advances, staffing, and facility maintenance.
How to Donate:
Please donate using our Zelle account:
By Zelle Phone Number: 313.658.2999
By Zelle Account Name: Gwendolyn West